Saturday, April 7, 2012

Got the job? Don't abandon the contacts you've cultivated

Someone who knew someone who knew somebody else told my client about a match-made-in-heaven job. The chance to interview for this golden opportunity would never have happened if she hadn't made three phone calls, sent four emails and spent an hour and a half meeting that first person three months ago.
But she did. Grudgingly.

I had to beg, bug and threaten to stop working with her if she didn't carve out time to meet with people. To her, doing that seemed like a lot of work that might never pan out. But she simply wasn't going to find the kind of job she wanted on a job board.
As it turned out, her efforts led to two interviews — one with the head of the company and then the board. Voila! She got the coveted position.
Now, can we please show a little respect for the art of talking to live humans in the 21st century?
The problem is keeping her on this talking-to-live-humans roll. Now that she's gotten what she wants, she thinks she can sit back and relax in her career easy chair.
Has she learned nothing?
If, like my client, you are the lucky recipient of a brand-spanking new job, congratulations. But if you, too, think the act of sitting down with people to talk about them, you or whatever else makes for bonding is over, think again.
Now is the time to go back through your list of people you've talked to and do three things.
• First, even if someone was not much help, each person gets a call or note telling them the good news. Include something like this:
"I'm excited to share that I have taken a position with the Blah Blah Company, as director of marketing. The company is the leading manufacturer of such-and-such. ... I want to thank you for the time and expertise that you gave me over the past nine months. Your advice about such-and-such helped me be more focused when talking about my background."
These people may not have opened doors to a fresh opportunity, but they did give you the gift of their time. That's a lot. Maybe they offered advice that helped you. Knowing that will make them feel good and if need be, want to help again.
Whatever it was they said or did, they have invested time and energy into you. They deserve to know how their investment panned out.
• Second, while you're at it, offer your help. Simply say:
"Please let me know if I can help you in the future." They may never take you up on it. But you may be able to give back to someone in need at some point, which will make you feel good.
Ninety-eight percent of people never do either of these gestures. They miss out on the chance to build genuine, reciprocating relationships and to solidify the network they worked so hard to create.
• Third, keep in touch with these people in the near future and as long as you have a career.
Ninety-nine percent of people never do this. They forget how hard it was to find people to talk to and build that bond. And many folks figure they will never need to look for another job.
Considering all the sinister forces in the world of business, odds are high that you will change jobs several more times.
So be on intimate terms with this cadre of supporters. Nothing matters more to a career than people who know you, like you and want to help you.
Career consultant Andrea Kay

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