Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fiscalnote: The real-time government analysis platform

Most state and local government information comes in the form of unstructured data whether it is legislative text (over 200,000 bills proposed across all state legislatures), regulations, court cases, and speeches. While local newspapers and legal firms have traditionally done the work of analyzing and reporting the impact on enterprises and organizations, they have realized that their methods are too costly and slow. FiscalNote aims to turn the policy world on its head by providing a platform for real-time government analysis.

FiscalNote gathers all the data on legislation and their major players for you, so you can make better decisions. Our platform provides decision makers the ability to query all government action and perform complex discovery actions.

FiscalNote provides an immediate summary of the legislation, an immediate sentiment analysis to determine a positive or negative direction of the legislation on your industry, and instantaneous probability statistics on whether or not the bill will pass based on thousands of different metrics.

The FiscalNote platform provides all the extra features needed for any organization to stay on top of all legislation including: collaborative messaging features, a news and tweet aggregator and trend analyzer based on industry, mobile key word alerts, and up-to-date directory and donor information with beautiful vizualization

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