Wednesday, December 25, 2013

6 startup ideas in a housing boom

  • Connected devices. So far, we've got theNest for temperature control and smoke detection. But what about a universal device that monitors oven time and temperature, sets the DVR and lets you know when your lawn is especially dry and needs water, allowing you to remotely turn on the sprinkler? Plenty of companies are working on this, like SmartThings, but there's no clear leader.
  • User-friendly software for realtors, brokers, underwriters, title agents, inspectors and homebuyers. Wouldn't it be nice to have one place to go through all the steps of purchasing a home? Where each person involved in the process can notify the others of what is needed and keep a log of all documentation and communication? A startup called dotloop has a solution, but it's not quite universal. And there could be other startups that use its API to provide additional tools to aid the process.
  • Innovative appliances. Perhaps it's time for a new player to enter the market dominated by GE, Whirlpool, Kenmore and Samsung? With all the new energy efficiency and green certifications out there for homes, a new player could enter the market with green appliances made or designed differently. We're inspired by a story this week about Oransi, a high-end air purifier company using industrial-grade materials to produce a more effective consumer device. Its' founder's goal is to do everything different, from manufacturing to design to price to promise.
  • Digital design tools. It's hard to beat Houzz for inspiration, especially with added features that help you find a building material used in an image or contact the designer directly for advice. But what about a tool using augmented reality, so you can visualize your existing furniture in that dream room along with the items on your wish list? Sherwin Williams has a pretty impressive tablet application that lets a user photograph a room, and then virtually paint it using swatches. How about merging all that cool stuff into one?
  • A network for artisans, craftspeople and artists. Sure, there's Etsy for finding cool handmade stuff. But what about a site to help us find handcrafted furniture, rugs, curtains and art and also connect with the makers about commissioning work? Thanks to Houzz and Pinterest, many of us now have our own ideas of what a room should be like, so we'd like to find others talented enough to match our vision.
  • Innovative builders, architects and designers. This one might seem obvious, but now might be the time to pursue your homebuilding or design plans, especially if you offer something different. Many people these days are interested in customization, and having something unique from their neighbors. If your style is unique, and you have the ability, now might be the time to buy up some lots and enter the market. For inspiration, check out these new homebuilding companies that have popped up since the recession.

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