Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Exciting health care startups from Medcity

  •  Cynaps Enhance – A baseball cap that uses bone conduction technology to enhance hearing.

    • Kinsa Health – A smartphone-enabled thermometer and app designed to aggregate temperature and symptom data with other health data from CDC or Google Flu to track public health trends.

    • MDCapsule – A secure social platform that allows patients to invite all of their doctors and healthcare providers into one site.

    • PurThread – Fabric for hospital linens that is woven with silver salts and a resin to give the cloth anti-microbial protection.

    • Rest Devices – A new baby monitoring system that includes a onesie embedded with washable sensors to track a baby’s breathing, temperature and movements, a smartphone app to collect the data, and a base station for the baby’s room to pick up audio as a traditional baby monitor would.

    • Seratis – A HIPAA-compliant communication platform designed to help physicians and other members of the care team identify who is responsible for each patient and communicate patient information safely and securely among the group.

    • Spot on Science – A new way to collect blood samples that does not require refrigeration.

    • Stat – An app designed to cut the amount of time it takes for ambulances to make a pickup.

    • ThermalCore – A full-body hyperthermia treatment for cancer patients who are out of options. All of the cells and tissues in the body are exposed to temperatures above 107 degrees Farenheit, at which point they can become more susceptible to radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

    • Trak Fertility – A system for men to track their reproductive health, including a centrifuge, a disposable test plate and seal, a sample collection cup and a dropper.

    • Vecoy Nanomedicines – Technology that aims to trap viruses before they infiltrate cells. The traps are made from nanoparticles and designed to look like human cells.

    • Z1 – A small, sleek, quiet CPAP machine from Human Design Medical.
If I were a Shark Tank producer, here are the companies I would pick and why:
  • PurThread – Getting this company on national TV would highlight the problem of hospital-acquired infections.
  • Trak Fertility – Trak is our digital health representative. Plus, who could resist watching Mark Cuban and the other guys squirm as they talk about sperm?
  • Vecoy Nanomedicines – We need a biotech company in the national spotlight and this idea has great visuals, making it easier to understand.
  • Z1 – This company represents the future of medical devices – a modern design that incorporates patient preferences and increases the likelihood a person will use it.

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