Saturday, May 23, 2015

Focus on Winning Either Hearts or Minds

Winning Hearts
The art of persuading by winning hearts is about connecting people emotionally to your idea or position. In any persuasive dialog, you need to connect with others to some degree. However, this approach is highly effective in certain circumstances such as:
  • Introducing a new idea and trying to pique interest.
  • Gaining support for a decision that’s already been made.
  • Raising the bar on performance or commitment.
  • Leading a team that is struggling with discord or conflict.
  • Aligning with creative colleagues, like those in design or marketing.
The best method of persuasion in these circumstances is to connect with people on a very personal level. This is often referred to as a “hook.” Use vivid descriptions and metaphors to draw others into your vision. Share personal stories and experiences to demonstrate that what you’re suggesting is the right choice.
Let’s say you’re announcing a big reorganization to your team. Your message might go something like this:
“I know this announcement may be unsettling for you. Changing any aspect of your work process while you’re this busy is challenging. But I hope you’re also excited about the change, and let me tell you why. Our new organization has been designed specifically to address some of the challenges our teams have struggled with for years: conflicting priorities, lack of alignment on goals, and disjointed processes that get in the way of your success. Our teams will finally not only be in the same boat, but also rowing in the same direction. The destination? Achieving our 2015 results. Imagine how great it will feel when we hit our targets — when we crush the competition and claim the market share we deserve? Every one of you plays a key role in that victory. This new organization will make it easier for us to win, individually and as a team.”


Make sure you highlight what’s in it for them personally if they adopt your perspective or make a change. What fears can you address to build trust and cultivate a feeling of safety in supporting your position? What motivations can you tap into to create alignment? Where can you find common ground to unite viewpoints? You still need a logical, well-informed message; but you are at your most convincing when you first appeal to the perspective, fear, or motivation of your audience.
I’ve found that the most effective way to win others’ hearts is to share why your idea is important and why now is the time to act, and then to highlight how it benefits the individual, the business, your clients, your partners, or the broader environment. Transparency and authenticity drive success here.
Your goal in winning hearts is to make whatever you have to say matter on a personal level. Of course, it also has to make sense. And this is where winning minds comes into play.
Winning Minds
The science of persuasion lies in winning minds with logical, well-articulated positioning and analysis in favor of your idea. If you’re trying to persuade anyone of anything, you certainly need a logical argument to support your perspective. But sometimes this is particularly important to do well — and first. Winning minds is almost always the best option when you’re:
  • Trying to change direction on something previously decided.
  • Advocating for one choice over another in a decision-making process.
  • Helping an overwhelmed team stop over-analyzing and see a situation clearly.
  • Addressing a highly complex or technical set of problems.
  • Asking analytical, financial, or executive types to agree with your perspective.
To win the minds of others, carefully construct your message. Start by describing a situation everyone can agree is worth discussing, including both what it is and why it warrants attention. Establish common ground. Share your expertise and understanding of the issue at hand, highlighting analysis you’ve done or consultation with others. Provide proof to support your position in the form of data, research, expert opinions, and analysis. Discuss benefits in very tangible ways.
Here’s an example of the kind of message you should craft to win people over with logic. Let’s say you’re suggesting a product change:
“Today I’d like to talk with you about Product A. We launched the product with the expectation that customers would embrace new self-service features, and in turn, we would lower our support costs, further strengthening our market position. Our strategy was, and still is, innovative and viable. That said, we’ve learned that customers like the new features, but our support costs haven’t declined by 5% as expected. In fact, they’ve increased by 2% quarter-over-quarter as we trained customers on how to use the new features. The team has an enhancement that will allow us to provide customers with even more self-service features while lowering our support costs over time. A cross-functional team has analyzed outcomes and assessed our risk to be low. Early indications of our ROI suggest that we’ll show margin improvement exceeding our original plan within twelve months by implementing three key changes to the product. If we gain approval for this plan today, we will have this enhancement to market in 90 days with a net-positive effect on our financials by year-end.”
To get your framing right, imagine that you’re a trial attorney offering your opening argument and proceeding to make your case. To do it well, you have to put yourself in the mind of your jury. What do they believe to be true today that you intend to challenge? What did they want to do before talking with you, that you now want them to revisit? Is history informing their current judgment and, if so, how can you challenge it effectively? How do they measure success, and does your proposal support their success or put it at risk? What concerns will they have, and how can you address them in advance?
To win minds, you have to do your homework. Often you have just one chance to influence others. Put yourself in their position and do the work to prepare. If possible, you’ll also want to relate your proposal to what matters personally using the tactics outlined in the section on winning hearts.
Putting It All Together

The paradox of persuasion doesn’t have to get in the way of influencing others effectively. Giving equal weight to emotion and logic can make you less convincing, so pay careful attention to your audience and the task at hand. Identify your strongest position based on the circumstances. Is it most important to appeal to people’s hearts or minds? Be thoughtful and prepare with intention. Learn the right methods and before long you’ll be winning both hearts and minds with ease.

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