Wednesday, September 11, 2013

App uses QR codes to make payments easier

Now hoping to make invoices payments more timely for SMBs, the UK’s Zapper is an app that enables businesses to take payments through QR codes.
The company’s Scan-to-Pay platform first generates a unique QR code for each invoice that is created through the system. Companies can then include this on their paper invoices or online payment gateways. Customers or clients then need to download the app, fill out their details once and any code they scan afterwards will charge their card and instantly send a notification to the business being paid. The video below explains more about the service:
Zapper’s Scan-to-Pay system is free for businesses to implement – with no setup or subscription costs and no extra hardware required. However, businesses could benefit from quicker and more timely payments – Zapper claims that SMBs in the UK are currently owed GBP 36.4 billion in late payments. Are there other ways to make payments less painful for consumers and businesses alike?

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