Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Unusual folding bike shrinks down to 60% the size of other models

Those with experience of carrying portable bikes on their commute will know that, while they provide a satisfying ride, they still weigh a considerable amount and can be a pain to haul on and off public transport. The Kwiggle has approached the concept with a new design that utilizes smaller eight-inch wheels and a unique half-seated, half-standing style of riding. Described by the creators as a “pleasant mixture of
biking and fitness walking”, riding the bike also ensures users maintain good back posture. This unusual system and its patented gear system enable the bike to weigh just seven kilograms and fold down to the space of a typical backpack in under ten seconds.
Currently in the prototype stage, the company hopes to release the Kwiggle to the public by the end of the year, although pricing has not yet been announced. Are there other vehicles that could be given a stripped-down, lightweight version?

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